fredag 25. desember 2009

a Magical Season

So the Yule celebrations are upon us all... family has arrived home (my sister made the last plane from London to Norway), food has been consumed (my mum's christmas dinner is the best) and the gifts have been dutifully opened and awed upon. Seems I have been a good girl this year as well :)

The outside of the Cottage, in the dark, with candles buring and lighting the way :)We put up my tree here in the Cottage on Winter Soltice of course, as is my tradition... And my sister the photographer dutifully did her part in capturing the magic...A "tree portrait". My fir tree was decorated in red, silver and little white... the star at the top is a genuine vintage star from 1958, the year my mother was born. She has the same one, given to her by her mother. I always loved that star... and last year I was incredibly lucky enough to fine one at an antique shop. The owner of the store gave it to me for free :)I had some many baulbs I decided to use some inside my cloche as well... And I thought it looked really nice :)My turquoise shoeshine box has been decorated for yule as well :) I love that I had faith in teals and reds going well together for yule. As so much of my decor is in teal/turquoise colours... And it works so WELL :)I imagine quite alot of Norwegian interior bloggers has bought this amazing silver rocking horse... so cheap! And so pretty!!! Even my lantern is dressed up with a vintage santa from a fleamarket this summer :)Mercury silver and alittle red on my silver tray in the corner... I had my family over to help out and I served them christmas porridge... The ever so lovely collection of zinc houses in my window :) I love them!!! Well all of these amazing photographs from my Cottage was taken by my ever so talented sister and her superb camera :) Styling was all done by me... and from all of us to all of you, a very merry christmas!

p.s. Huldra has made it home and is curled up on my lap as we speak.... ;)

4 kommentarer:

Monica Helén sa...

SV: tittei jenta mi, titter bare innom for å si hei, takke for kommentaren, og ønske deg også en god jul/ferie..:)
Jeg ble litt sånn forvirra en stund, for jeg trodde kommentaren din var på det nyeste innlegget mitt, med bildet av DRAGONFLY, men så var det jo kommentar på bildene fra den andre dammen, hehe.. Skjønte jo ingenting da jeg stakk innom bloggen og ikke så noen kommentar på siste innlegget med øyenstikkern. DEN må du se, du har sikkert sett den før, men jeg har PIFFA opp fargene i bildet, og nå er det bare helt EKSTREMT bra..:)
(og jeg vet jo hvor gla du er i slike..:)


(leser dette innlegget imorgen, nå må jeg sove ut rusen på viiiin hihi...) *klem*

Lisa sa...

I have thought of Huldra so many times! I thought I heard a cat meowing during our heavy snow and I went from window to window looking and my thoughts went to Huldra. I am so happy she's home!!!!

Your home looks so beautiful. I love watching the seasons change in your beautiful cottage.

Happy Yule! ♥

Anonym sa...

Takk for en interessant blogg

:: Cindy Chick Designs :: sa...

I love the photos in your blog, they are always so inspiring! I found some zinc houses where I live in the UK and I am very tempted to get some as you make the display look so nice. x