Have I? Well it sure looks like it here in blogglandia doesnt it... Truth is that March has simply been crazy! When I finally got well I decided to do the great spring cleaning and wash all walls, ceilings and floors... and once I was done with the downstairs rooms (with the excellent help from my mother and Libby) the well decided to dry up on me again... sigh... so for the past week I have had no water.. And I have people comming over for easter... and I REALLY need to clean down my bedroom/bathroom... To top it off I have worked long long hours untill late at night, all week more or less... and have not had time to even do the dishes! (besides... no water). Now that the so called weekend is here I have to work saturday and I have stable duty tonight as well as tomorrw night... and I have people over on sunday allready! o.O
CRAAAAZY stressed out is what I am...
But I hope to get alot sorted next week... and can enjoy the spring celebrations... Ostara, the spring equinox has obvioulsy allready been and gone, and the proper easter for me, which is Beltane, celebrating fertility (hence the hare and the eggs, and the colour yellow!!!) isn't really before may 1st... but there is alot of days off during christian easter, so it is the perfect days for gathering family and friends... and a great big luncheon will be held at Dragonfly Cottage on thursday :D That will be nice... which gives me monday and tuesday to catch up on everything...
If I survive the visit on sunday that is... o.O
And I hope I get to read alot :) Dive into my books and just stay there for a while... allready been reading some excellent books this year. To follow my reading list for 2010 with reviews on books ect ect, please follow this link: Tee's Reading List 2010
Enjoy the holidays ahead... and I will return more sorted... ;)
todays pictures are from weheartit.com
CRAAAAZY stressed out is what I am...
But I hope to get alot sorted next week... and can enjoy the spring celebrations... Ostara, the spring equinox has obvioulsy allready been and gone, and the proper easter for me, which is Beltane, celebrating fertility (hence the hare and the eggs, and the colour yellow!!!) isn't really before may 1st... but there is alot of days off during christian easter, so it is the perfect days for gathering family and friends... and a great big luncheon will be held at Dragonfly Cottage on thursday :D That will be nice... which gives me monday and tuesday to catch up on everything...
If I survive the visit on sunday that is... o.O
And I hope I get to read alot :) Dive into my books and just stay there for a while... allready been reading some excellent books this year. To follow my reading list for 2010 with reviews on books ect ect, please follow this link: Tee's Reading List 2010
Enjoy the holidays ahead... and I will return more sorted... ;)
todays pictures are from weheartit.com