fredag 26. februar 2010

I wish for a......

Picket fence!

Oh yes I do..., with a quaint, romantic garden gate :) Come summer I hope to get my dream come true. I don't think it will be all that conventional, and I am toying with the idea of useing different sized leftover wood... :) Which I have alot of... Either way, I imagine it will be a nice framing to my beloved cottage :)

So I have been collecting images for some time, for inspiration. Most of these were simply googled, so if you recognize any as yours, or someone elses. Let me know and I will give credit where credit is due.

(image from

Oh I long for summer.... but it is STILL SNOWING !!!! Havent we had enough allready?! But I have heart rumours about getting milder, WARM degrees next week... could it mean that the thaw is coming? finally??

3 kommentarer:

Erin {House of Turquoise} sa...

I've always wanted a picket fence too! Believe it or not, I never even imagined one being painted anything other than white...but now I know i NEED a turquoise one! That first image is so pretty!

Unknown sa...

Helt enig! Stakittgjerde er veldig koselig. Håper du får en fin helg! :)

Monica Helén sa...

Flotte gjerder..=) Ser det helt levende for meg hvordan hagen din blir med sånn..=) Likte fargene på gjerdet i øverste bildet.. Veldig DEG=)