tirsdag 13. oktober 2009

A Tuesday Afternoon

I'm having one of those days where the day just passes you by and you dont really get to grab a hold of it...

But I cleaned the livingroom at last.
This week will be super busy... and I am not really too excited about that... I dont know.. just feeling alittle less than inspired today...

This metal table was a thrift shop find... it's allready a flaky white, so I am not going to paint it... I origiannly wanted it for the garden, but it's in for the winter... and come spring we'll see :)
On saturday I went to see Nouvelle Vouge in concert. It was amazing! Those girls are so talented. Sunday after me and Julie had breakfast in oslo, followed by a trailing through the antique stands in the park. Resulting in a few finds. Among them a nutbrown applecore remover and 5 of these glass jars (which I intend to put to use in my library), and a glass & metal miniature greenhouse... I hope you all have a lovely week :) I'll probably be back next weekend.

4 kommentarer:

Monica Helén sa...

Vet hva du mener med at dagen passerer uten at du klarer å gripe tak i den, jeg har det litt sånn idag.. Blir irritert på sånne dager...:( Dette er jo kontordagen min hjemme!! Jaja...
koselige bilder og fine ting du har funnet..=)

Lisa sa...

I always look down my list of followed blogs with anticipation, hoping for a new post from you. Hope you have a great week! Love those jars and the table looks great, too.

The Enchanted Room sa...

Your blog is just so beautiful, and your posts ever so special,a mix of wit, humour, and wisdom. Lovely photos too!

Anonym sa...

Du har en fantastisk kjekk blogg å drømme seg litt bort i og nyte bildene dine og fargene du har er akkurat etter min smak!:) Vi har faktisk mange av de samme tingene også! Alltid like spennende om det har komt nye oppdateringer hos deg - håper at alt står bra til med deg og at det kommer et lite livstegn fra deg snart berre for at vi ser at du har det ok... Iallfall tusen takk for at du deler litt av livet ditt - sikkert mange med meg som setter stor pris på det! Har ingen bloggadresse sjølv og må vel derfor føre meg opp som en "anonym" leser :)