A little box of joy came to me in the mail today!!! Hurray... my little verdigris sparrows.... I love them, they are even more brilliant in reality than on pictures... I couldnt wait so I used ma's dining room for photographing them... They look great there too, but I just know they will look even more fantastic in *my* dining room... *snigger*Hmmm... the light was a bit crap, but oh well.... I am no magician with the camera....
At work today I finally got my hands on this book. It's originally from New Zeland, but the author was Swedish... it's been out in Norwegian for a long time but I wanted, as usual, to read it in it's original language... But it was sold out by the publishers... finally though, it arrived... and I cant wait to sit myself down with a large cup of tea and just enjoy this book!And in my email I received this fun little questionare... I guess I was supposed to send it out, but I'm just gonna let anyone who wants to grab it and fill it in :)
4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life
1) Currently working as a bookseller
2) a Cook's assistant
3) worked in a grocery shop
4) Shift manager at a movie theatre
4 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over
1) Pride & Prejustice
2) the Boondock Saints
3) Practical Magic
4) Chocolat
4 Places You Have Lived
1) Norway (born there :)
2) Raymond, Nebraska, USA
3) Glasgow, Scotland, UK
4) Hamburg, Germany
4 TV Shows You Love to Watch
1) Desperate Housewife (every week!!!)
2) CSI:Miami
3) House
4) CSI:Las Vegas
4 Places You Have Been on Vacation
1) Gran Canyon
2) Germany (all over really)
3) San Fransico
4) Florida
Websites You Visit Daily
1) http://www.finn.no
4 Favorite Foods
1) ice cream
2) Fishballs & white gravy with veggies
3) Pasta with spinach
4) mushrooms
4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1) my new house & home
2) in England with my dear sister
3) traveling across the US with my sister
4) visiting Darcy in WI, US.
4 Books That Hit Your Soul
1) Chocolat
2) the Harry Potter books
3) the Twilight Saga
4) The Amazing Adventures of Flash Jackson
There you are... do what you like with it :) And have a great evening everyone!
4 kommentarer:
Var skikkelig søte de fuglene ja..:)
Og klart de tar seg bedre ut hjemme hos deg..:P
Ooooh, I am in love with the little sparrows!! :P Where did you get them, I think I must also have them adorning my home.
What book is that? I can't make out the title. What's it about?
I have heard the Twilight series is good...I guess it's time to dive into them. I'm still mourning the end of the Harry Potter series.
Ooooh...I wish you were here too! :D Actually, I'd rather be by you, but either way would be fine by me.
I'll have to do this questionaire thingy...I'll do it in email.
Btw...the package is ON IT'S WAY! :P
This questionnaire is really great! I think it's great that you've lived in very different places and have done all sorts of jobs. I also love the movie Chocolat and loved the Harry Potter books and Twilight Saga. Waiting for Edward's version to come out hehe.
Karen O.
Oh that book looks pretty good to read! I am one to always judge a book first by its cover even though your not suppose to. Oh well. And the little birds you got are cute! Daisy~
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