Now that my kitchen, livingroom, diningroom and bedroom... as well as my bathroom is nearly done... and I am about to finally move in to my new house... of course I have started to plan everything else... like the hallway upstairs and downstairs... I have allready bought paint for this, and it will be in subtle warm grays... the floor will become checkered.... I have allready bought an old windows frame that will become a great pictureframe... and I have decided that I think teal colours should accent this.... I love teal, and I am so pleased with the bedroom so yeh... I think teal should do it...
then there's the ever important library... origianlly ment to be teal as well, but I have moved away from this... It will be plum... Plum and with dark floors, and dark wooden shelves... stained to that antique feeling... I chose a completely different colour scheme from the rest of the house, which is very light and bright, becuase I wanted a "classic" library feel... something oxford/indiana jones like. Somewhere all my odd bits and pieces would look at home. Like my amazing dragon statues my granny made for me... and my fossils that I have collected all over.. basically a room where I could read, work and draw my fantasy stuff.... alittle more "witchy" than the rest of teh house...
Both the hallway and the library will be started in the early spring... I'll paint the library first, and then dad will make shelves when it gets warmer outside...
Then there is the outside of my house. Which is now red. There will be many years before I need to paint it again... but once I do it will be old white/gray and I think I will purchase some decor so it looks more like a small farmhouse... And I want... a teal door!!! And teal accents on my porch... teal and mossy stuff :) Yepp... but this of course is far into the future... One thing is abit nearer though... dad has said he will build me a porch swing. I always wanted one... and it will be... teal of course :)
I bought this online. Will pick it up next week. It will be painted white (of course) and then it shall be in my diningroom :) It is perfect, and it was cheap.. allthough rather far away (2 hour drive each way) my sweet sweet friend Ole said he would drive me... And thats good, as my hand had surgery on tuesday and is of no use at the moment... and also, this sweet friend of mine, crashed my car into someone's rear on our way from the hospital.. so now I have no car... great! haha...poor ole... I cant help feeling alittle sorry for him...
Either way... just some ramblings from me... I didnt want to forget any ideas, so I rambled them down here.... and yes... my layout/name keeps changing.,... I am sure I will settle on something soon... errrh
torsdag 15. januar 2009
More plans... always lots of plans...
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Tee of Vinnord Cottage
Etiketter: renovating
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5 kommentarer:
Så flott det lille skatollet eller hva man kaller det, var! :) Den kommer til å bli rålækker i hvitt ja! :)
Og sånn huske ute.. det ønsker jeg meg åååå... Er så herlig å sitte i sånne.. Jeg har jo hagegynga mi da, gleder meg til å sitte i den til sommeren igjen...:)
Bibilioteket ditt kommer til å bli tøft tror jeg..:) Liker ideen din, ser for meg at det blir mørkt der, men du ordner da med bra lys tenker jeg, siden du skal sitte og tegne/lese der. :)
I love the idea of plum for the library! I most definitely agree that it needs to be mysterious, dark...very Old England...that's what it reminds me of. Something right of an Agatha Christie novel. it!!
Keep dreaming those dreams Trine, that's what it's all about. I hope I can come soon and see your gorgeous home. :D
Hey...I forgot to ask you where you got the graphics for this page. Did you make them? I kinda think maybe you did. Then again, maybe you didn't. Either way, I'd be right, wouldn't I? lol
the graphics were picked from the net, and modified ALOT by yours truly :) They're mostly rubberstamps ect ect...
Hei trine Lisa
Jeg har nå vert inne på sidene dine og sett på alle bildene fra huset og tegningene. Du er kjempeflink og kreativ så du vil kommelangt om du fortsetter med dette.
Det blir fint å få deg tilbake i butikken igjen om en uke.
Vi ses
Hilsen fra Elisabeth
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