Well I have now officially lived in Dragonfly Cottage since monday... It was wonderful and strange alltogether waking up in my wonderful bedroom... Trying the shower for the first time, which had it kinks let me tell you, but I guess that's just the way old houses are... I slept like a baby, no weird sounds, no unseen lingerers here... My parents house has always been "unwary" and "noisy" and I am pretty sure there are more between those walls than meets the eye. Especially on the upper floor. I used to wake up multiple times a night. Nothing malvoilent, just not at rest... this house however, is so calm... you can actually feel your heartbeat slowing when you're here... And the whole mood is blissful and happy... And I am not the only one to say this...
Hexa is enjoying her new domain, and Huldra will be arriving this weekend. Which should be fun... ol' Hexa better behave!
Mom popped in today bearing gifts, food and a helping hand. We had a wonderful breakfast and loads of coffee before we went out and bought me some more plants for the livingroom... then we took on the majour task of hanging curtains... yeah... it wasnt easy... I was armed with the allmighty "punisher" (which is the nickname of a drill in our house... private joke), high on coffein and to work we went... With a few ops'es and quite alot of sweat we managed to get the first rod up, only to realize it looked like shite... so down it went and another cup of coffee later and alot of determination we finally finnished the first window. The curtains are a gift from my mom, and I love them... they are simply made for me, and my livingroom!
The lantern won't be there forever, as I think it will have to live on a shelf... but I dont want to store it away, I love it too much.... The frog prince is a bookend, but I like him as simply a decorating accent... in my fairytale themed livingroom... The colours are alittle off, but it was dark out and I suck with a camera... I need my sister to get some stunning shots..
The Orchid is mum's moving in gift.... I am not too find of orchids, but this one looks stunning in my windowsill... I am not complaining :)
The next window was a piece of cake after the disaster of the first one, and was dressed in no time at all... I bought some wonderful Calandivas for this window... they are such a lovely shade of old pale pink, and in the company of my treasured dragonfly and the wee verdigris sparrow... they just take my breath away...
As for my rather ugly, red and old sofa... I bought covers online... they were so tricky to get on, but I think we finally pulled it...
The pictures above my sofa is from the book "Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastic World Around You", which is a children's book illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi. My all-time favorite illustrator... his ink is magic, to say the least. I decided years ago that his pictures would adorn my livingroom... and the result is amazing, if you ask me. Whimsical, weird and pure magic... just like the witch that lives here ;)
Of course the livingroom is still not all dressed... There are more pictures to be hung, shelves to go up ect ect... but then again, when are you ever really *done*...
I met my mailman today... Such a nice older man... Just like a mailman should be :) It's such tiny pleasures, just getting the mail from an actual mailbox, even bills have it's tiny charm... well that is untill I open them up >.<>
6 kommentarer:
Kjempefint!!! Nå begynner det å se bebodd ut,der oppe i villmarka ;-)
... Kan jeg også flytte inn? Utrolig fint det er!
Så flotte gardiner du har fått deg..:) HERLIG å få gardiner på plass..:)
SÅ SÅNN ser de bildene ut! Du har skravla om dem i åresvis, og jeg har ikke helt klart å se de for meg.. For alt jeg vet kan det hende du har vist meg de før, men tror du jeg husker sånt? hehe..:)
De små fuglene dine var skikkelig nydelige i vinduskarmen..:) OG HIPP HURRA for mora di som kjøpte deg en orkide! :D EEEELSKER orkideer..:)
Nå savner jeg bare bilder av selve rommet,for jeg er syyykt nysgjerrig på hvordan det ser ut i hele sin helhet..:) Sofaen ble flott..:) Jeg er fornøyd med trekket jeg også, bortsett fra at jeg må dytte den på plass hele tiden da.. (men jeg har jo for stort trekk, som jeg stapper oppimellom alle putene for å få sofaen til å se ekte ut da.. mere jobb..)
Jeg har så lyst til å style huset mitt!
takker :) Bilder av hele rommet kommer ikke før alt er ferdig, og tv benk er malt >.<
så kjempekoselig, kan nesten ikke vente til å se det i virkeligheten XD
Så flott du har fått det Trine! Moro at du har flytta inn, da må Christine og jeg ta oss en tur og se snart, gleder meg til det :)
Klem fra Mona
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